Dr. Plamen Russev

Dr. Plamen Russev

Serial entrepreneur, investor, futurist, and philanthropist with over 30 years of experience in tech and investments.

Dr. Russev is the Executive Chairman of Webit Foundation, renowned for the Founders Games, a $6 million award for impact innovation with Grand Finals in Davos and at the UN's COP. He is also the Founder & Executive Board Member of Webit Investment Network (BSE: WIN), turning retail investors into impact investors.

Appointed Goodwill Ambassador for Digital Affairs of Bulgaria, he is the third such ambassador on the planet.

Dr. Russev has built a Webit community of over 1 million digerati, founders, policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs dedicated to achieving a positive impact on humanity. He also hosts the annual Webit forums worldwide and his work and accomplishments have been featured in The Economist, Monocle, Bloomberg, CNBC, Forbes, Venture Beat, Arabian Business, Al Jazeera, and CNN.

Join Dr. Plamen Russev's session to hear more on the topics he will be covering:

Discover the Mindful Path to Business Success:

Learn how mindfulness practices can sharpen your concentration, creativity, and productivity, leading to a greater success

Find the Work-Life Balance:

Explore methods for achieving a harmonious balance between personal well-being and professional responsibilities.

Enhance Decision-Making with Spiritual Insights:

Understand how spiritual practices can provide clarity and guide strategic decision-making.

Foster a Holistic Approach to Business Growth:

Learn how a blend of spirituality and data-driven strategies can contribute to a more fulfilling and successful business journey.

Boost Personal and Team Performance:

Find out how spiritual and mindfulness practices can enhance individual and team productivity, leading to greater business outcomes.

Cultivate Inner Peace in High-Stress Environments:

Learn how spiritual practices can help maintain calm and composure in the face of business challenges.

Don’t miss the opportunity to dive
into Dr. Russev’s transformative journey.