Heath Slawner

Heath Slawner

Speaker from Simon Sinek Optimism Company

A dynamic speaker and advocate for optimism, purpose-driven leadership, and the power of human connection

Heath Slawner is a passionate speaker renowned for his ability to connect deeply with people and their ideas. Heath is a prominent speaker from the Simon Sinek Optimism Company, known for his ability to inspire and transform using interactive storytelling to offer insights that elevate performance to the next level.

Back in 2006, he was the only professional in Canada certified to deliver and facilitate the Principles of Persuasion workshop and keynote, an evidence-based program rooted in the research of renowned author Dr. Robert Cialdini.

Heath's approach is grounded in the belief that when individuals and organizations have a clear sense of “Why”, they can achieve extraordinary results. His work focuses on the importance of finding a deeper purpose in both personal and professional endeavors. He believes that understanding and communicating your “Why” is crucial to inspiring others and achieving lasting success.

Heath Slawner is an expert in a variety of areas crucial to personal
and organizational development including:

Start With Why: Leading with Purpose

Understanding the importance of having a clear purpose and how it drives motivation and engagement within organizations.

The Infinite Game: Building Resilient Organizations

Learning how to adopt an infinite mindset to create lasting success and navigate the complexities of today’s business environment.

The Power of Human Connection

Exploring the role of trust and empathy in building strong, cohesive teams that perform at their best.

Join us to be inspired by Heath’s powerful message
and gain practical tools to lead with purpose and optimism.